
Scientific Publishers:

* Elsevier Science - A-Z listing of Journals in Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
* Institute of Physics journals (IOP) - IOP Electronic Journals
* Royal Society Publications - Online Journals
* Optical Society of America (OSA) - Online Journals
* IEEE Jounals and magazines - Online Journals
* World Scientific Publishing Company - WSpc Journal Index
* Springer-Verlag - Springer Science Online
* John Wiley & Sons - Alphabetical List of Wiley Journals
* Cambridge University Press (CUP) - CUP Online Journals
* The American Physical Society (APS) - APS Journals Online
* The American Mathematical Society (AMS) - AMS journals
* Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) - SIAM Journals Online
* Academic Press Journals - Alphabetical Journal List
* American Institute of Physics (AIP) - Alphabetical Journal List
* Carfax Publishing Limited - CARFAX Journals Online
* The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group
* Pushpa Publishing House

Applied Math/Physics Journals:

* American Journal of Physics * Journal of Mathematical Physics
* Annalen der Physik * Journal of Physics A
* Annals of Physics * Letters in Mathematical Physics
* Applied Mathematical Modelling * Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
* Applied Physics B * Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
* Communications in Mathematical Physics * Nuclear Physics B
* Classical and Quantum Gravity * Physica A: Statistics and Theoretical Physics
* European Journal of Physics * Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
* The European Physical Journal C * Physica scripta
* Europhysics Letters * Physical Review A
* Europhysics News * Physical Review Letters
* Foundations of Physics * Physics Letters A
* Foundations of Physics Letters * Physics Letters B
* General Relativity and Gravitation * Physics Reports
* IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I * Physics Today
* Il Nuovo Cimento * Progress of Theoretical Physics
* IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics * Reports on Mathematical Physics
* Int. Journal of Theoretical Physics * Reports on Progress in Physics
* Int. Journal of Modern Physics (A,B,C,D,E) * Review of Modern Physics
* Journal of Applied Mathematics * Science
* Journal of Applied Sciences * SIAM J. on App. Math. (SIAP)
* Journal of Computational Physics * SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (SISC)
* Journal of Geometry and Physics * Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
* Journal of Mathematical Biology * Zeitschrift für Physik C

Nonlinear Journals:

* Analyse Non Linéaire (Non Linear Analysis) * Journal of Nonlinear Science
* Chaos * Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
* Chaos, Solitons & Fractals * Nonlinear Analysis - Modelling and Control
* Comm. in Nonlinear Science and Num. Simulation * Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, methods & applications
* Complexity * Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
* Complex Systems * Nonlinearity
* Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems * Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems
* Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society * Nonlinear Science Today
* Dynamical Systems (Dyn. and Stability of Systems) * Nonlinear Studies
* Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems * Open Systems & Information Dynamics
* Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems * Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
* Fractals * Physical Review E
* Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos * Physics Letters A
* Int. J. of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Eng. * Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
* Int. J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation * Regular & Chaotic Dynamics
* Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems * SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
* Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations * arXiv e-Print archive

PACS, Journal Impact Factors and other useful info:

* Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) - AIP
* Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) - APS
* Journal Impact Factor Rankings for Applied Math journals (2006)
* ISI Journal Title Abbreviations
* APS official Journal Title Abbreviations
* AMS Journal Title Abbreviations